The Social Integration Report: Key for Your Social Roots Application in Spain
This report is an essential document for your social roots (Arraigo Social) application in Spain. In this guide, we explain everything you need to know about the report: what it is, how to obtain it, its importance, and when it’s mandatory to submit.
What Is the Social Integration Report?
The Social Integration Report is a document issued by the Autonomous Community or Local Government where you reside. It certifies your integration into Spanish society. While not legally binding for granting residency, it is a fundamental requirement in most cases. The Immigration Office usually bases its decision on the recommendations included in this report, so it’s important to meet all the requested criteria to achieve a favorable outcome in your residency application.
Documentation Required for the Social Integration Report
The report is issued by social workers, who will conduct an in-person interview after the request is made. To ensure a favorable outcome, it’s advisable to provide the following documents:
- Proof of residence in Spain (minimum 3 years for Arraigo Social).
- Evidence of financial means.
- No criminal record.
- Language proficiency.
- Participation in educational, training, or social-labor programs.
When Is the Social Integration Report Mandatory?
You must submit the Social Integration Report if:
- You do not have direct family ties in Spain.
- You are applying for Arraigo Social based on self-sustained financial means.
- You are applying for Arraigo Social by starting your own business.
How to Obtain the Social Integration Report
The process for obtaining the report varies depending on the Autonomous Community where you reside. Generally, it begins at your local City Council and includes an interview conducted by a social worker.
During the Interview:
- Your Spanish proficiency or knowledge of the region’s co-official language will be assessed.
- Your activities in Spain and future plans will be evaluated.
- If Spanish is your native language, the interview may be conducted by phone; otherwise, it will be an in-person meeting that requires a prior appointment.
Documents to Bring to the Interview:
- Employment contract.
- Criminal record certificate.
- Proof of residence in Spain for at least 3 years.
Who Issues the Report?
The report is issued by the Autonomous Community where you reside or by the corresponding City Council, as determined by the regional government. Requirements may vary by region.
How Much Does the Report Cost?
The cost of the fee depends on the Autonomous Community:
- In Madrid, the fee is €30.30.
- In Barcelona, the report is free.
You must request the report in the region where you are registered (empadronado) and cannot apply in a different location.
How Long Does It Take to Receive the Report?
The official timeframe is 30 days from the application date. However, it is often sent via email within 2 weeks. Once obtained, you can proceed with your Arraigo Social application at the Immigration Office.
Conclusion: The Social Integration Report
The Social Integration Report is a vital requirement for many foreign nationals seeking Arraigo Social in Spain. Although the process and specific requirements may vary by Autonomous Community, proving your integration into Spanish society is crucial to the success of your application.
At Lexmovea, we are ready to assist you every step of the way—whether it’s obtaining the Social Integration Report or managing the entire Arraigo Social process. Contact us today and let us guide you on your path to residency!